We’ve all done it. We tell ourselves we won’t this year and we’ll keep the motivation going all 12 months. But too often we break that New Year’s resolution and fall back into familiar ways.
Whether it’s getting back into your running shoes, adding more time to your workout, or starting a new one, we’re all guilty of breaking our New Year’s promises.
And so here we are again. Another chance to start fresh. But is it possible to keep that fresh attitude all year round from our January resolution high?
Here are some ideas to keep in mind when starting and keeping that workout resolution.
1. Create mini-goals. It’s human nature to enjoy reaching goals — even just checking off a line on a to-do list. Break up your year-long goal into smaller ones so that you can revel in your accomplishments all year.
2. Setup an award system. Obviously, this can’t be a “blow your plan for the day because you deserve it” type of an award. It should still be fitting to your resolution but add some fun to your progress.
3. Examine your day-to-day. Whatever your workout resolution, it takes time from your day to accomplish it. Be honest with yourself about how you spend your day and what changes you’ll have to make to cross the finish line.
4. Be prepared for weak moments. They will happen. Think through as many possible scenarios of when you know you might break. How will you work through it, change your mindset, and keep yourself motivated?
Now good luck out there in 2018. And most important of all — we hope you Love Your Body and Embrace Your Booty every day.